If You Ask a Simple Question…

If You Ask a Simple Question…

A mom put this simple question on the university’s Facebook Page for Parents. “Can anyone recommend a laundry company that services the campus dorms? We’re looking for a good, reliable company. TIA”

It wasn’t more than a few minutes before the bashing began.

“OMG! I can’t believe you’d set up laundry service for him. He’s at college now. He’s an adult. What’s next, are you going to show up and change his sheets and spoon feed him at lunch? Time to grow up already! Let him take responsibility and learn how to do it. Stop babying him!!!!!!!!!”

I’m pretty certain words like these that fly off typing fingertips never would be spoken face to face. It may be the anonymity. It may be the inability to see others’ reactions when the writer crosses that line. It’s certainly an ego trip for the basher, maybe because they need retribution for being bashed after spouting off too many times before. They feel if they voice their criticisms, people will be nodding their heads as they read along, giving them imaginary high-fives and chanting “Yeah!”… because everybody with a sliver of brain tissue in their head thinks, or should think, that way, of course!

Sorry, not me. Not even close. And not these fifteen people who took the time to write a response that disagrees with you, either.

Often, the tirade continues back and forth, bouncing on curt words in “Get off your high horse” replies. But this time, the original post writer got the last word. 

“My son has more work than he can handle as a freelance software designer making $45 an hour; HE can afford to pay somebody else to handle his laundry. Actually, I would prefer that he pays somebody $20 a week to do it for him instead of losing three hours of working time, and losing $135 in billable hours. It would cost him $10 anyway to do it himself! He’s way ahead here. You’re the one who needs to grow up. Have anything else to say about it?” Mic drop!

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Your College Student Needs Your Prayers
Filled with stories about things other moms forgot to cover as they prepared their sons and daughters for college.

You may do things one way. From your perspective, that may be the only way you’d ever consider doing them. But, no one else sees things from exactly the same perspective you have — especially other parents. We all raised our kids with different experiences and had tons of outside influences helping shape them along the way. What was expected in your home was never considered by another parent. What they deemed necessary for life was skipped over as you taught your set of survival skills. Neither way was wrong… they were just different. 

So give the rest of the parents around here a break. Let questions be asked and offer some insight if you have it. If other people are willing to answer what you feel are stupid questions, let them. If there’s not enough brain-stimulating or useful information on this feed, then why don’t you just stop reading it? It’s not going to change. There are a lot of people around here who appreciate it when others share what they know. They’re happy to have a great network of people around in case they ever get to the point that they’re the one asking, “Does anyone know….???”

So, what do you think?

I welcome your reactions, stories, or questions. Remember to hit the Heart icon along the side if you liked what you read, too! If you have a connection to a College Parents Website, share this post there. You may help another College Mom by sharing it.

All the best,

Monica Renahan

Copyright 2022 by Monica Renahan. Updated from 2019 post. All rights reserved. Contact me at http://www.lifeasacollegemom101.wordpress.com for use/reprint guidelines.

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